Arianna Sanesi nommée lauréate de la 1ère édition de la résidence photographique Chambre noire 4 jours ago
Interview Clothilde Morette, directrice artistique de la MEP : « Remettre au centre de l’histoire de l’art et de la photographie certains artistes invisibilisés » 10 mars 2025
S’élever au milieu des ruines, danser entre les balles de Maryam Ashrafi par Brigitte Trichet (éditions Hemeria) 2 jours ago
Salon du dessin 2025, Galerie Larock-Granoff : Interview Gabrielle Larock « Donner la parole aux femmes fait partie de ma ligne directrice » 6 heures ago
Interview Stéphanie Pécourt, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles : « Un manifeste dissident pour un cosmopolitisme renouvelé. » 3 jours ago
« Corps et âmes », une nouvelle saison incandescente à la Pinault Collection-Bourse de commerce 21 mars 2025
Partager Partager EvénementsPhoto Ukrainian Meetings #1 : Kateryna Radchenko, L’histoire de Odesa Photo Days Carine Dolek15 mars 2022 Temps de lecture estimé : 6minsNotre premier rendez-vous Ukrainian Meetings a eu lieu samedi 12 mars en direct sur Zoom et sur notre page Facebook. Nous recevions Kateryna Radchenko pour nous parler de l’histoire de Odesa Photo Days. Cette plateforme d’expression est destinée aux artistes et opérateurs culturels ukrainiens. Retrouvez ici l’enregistrement de cette rencontre. Kateryna Radchenko, commissaire, artiste, chercheuse Créatrice et directrice du festival international Odessa Photo Days ( Cursus photographique : la Villa Arson, le Programme Gaude Polonia, le Musée de la photographie de San Diego (États-Unis). Auteur, elle a écrit pour des titres internationaux (Fotograf, Magenta, EIKON, FOAM Magazine). Commissaire, elle a organisé des expositions en Ukraine, en Corée du Sud, en Suède, en Géorgie, en France et en Lettonie. Elle a participé en tant que lectrice de portfolio à de nombreux festivals dont Riga Photo Month, Lodz Photo Festival, Festival Photo Suwon, Photo Wien. Cette plateforme d’expression « Ukrainian Meetings » est créée à l’initiative de 9 Lives magazine et Carine Dolek avec le soutien d’Odesa Photo Days, et en partenariat avec la Deutsche Fotografische Akademie (DFA). Vous souhaitez apporter un soutien financier, Kateryna Radchenko nous a communiqué plusieurs initiatives à soutenir Voir les organisations Odesa Photo Days Private account for the support of small initiatives/ volunteers in Ukraine IBAN: UA123052990000026209882770288 BENEFICIARY: RADCHENKO SVITLANA, 65049, Ukraine,region Odeska,city Odesa,street Bryhadna,building 54,Housing A,flat 12 ACCOUNT: 5168745321903640 BANK OF BENEFICIARY: JSC CB PRIVATBANK, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE SWIFT CODE/BIC: PBANUA2X CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: 623-160-5145 INTERMEDIARY BANK: J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY SWIFT CODE/BIC: CHASDEFX DOFA Found Support of artist and artist community in Ukraine IBAN: UA833808050000000026001467996 Beneficiary: Charitable Foundation «The Depths of Arts» Raiffeisen Bank Aval 380805 Charity Foundation “The Depths of Art” 8А, Kudriavska str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 // Please, if you make a donation to this account, let us know what the sum is and from which organization. You can write to: “Ohmatdyt” The biggest children’s hospital in Ukraine “Ohmatdyt” needs help Dear foreign friends, thank you for supporting Ukraine in this terrible time!🇺🇦 🔻Despite the war in the country and active shelling and airstrikes targeted by the military aggression of the Russian Federation, the Okhmatdyt specialists continue to remain in Kyiv in order to defend and treat children and all the injured. 🔻Doctors are on duty next to the children who are impossible to take off life support. The injured are constantly arriving to the hospital, and they are provided with qualified medical assistance and hospitalisation. Despite difficult conditions, the Okhmatdyt specialists are fighting as one for life. 🔻Fully fledged functioning of the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital is a matter of national security! 🔻We are expressing our sincere gratitude for the possible provided financial help and understanding the significance of our work! Company details Currency USD Сompany Name National specialized children’s hospital «Ohmatdyt» of Ukraine’s Health Ministry IBAN Code UA343052990000025305050000629 Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X Company address UA 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine Correspondent banks Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33 Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York , USA Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank IRVT US 3N Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, US Company details Currency EUR Сompany Name National specialized children’s hospital «Ohmatdyt» of Ukraine’s Health Ministry IBAN Code UA933052990000025309050000498 Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X Company address UA 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine Correspondent banks Account in the correspondent bank 400886700401 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Irpin territorial defense (local civilian armed union defended their city) Рахунки для допомоги Ірпінській територіальній обороні Отримувач платежу Татевік Акопян Смбатовна. 🧷Гривня: UA363052990000026208894827766 Рахунок отримувача: 26208894827766 Номер картки: 4149629317397172 🧷Dollar: UA093052990000026201885662766 Recipient’s account: 4627055100647386 Card number: 4627055100647386 🧷Euro: UA:183052990000026202885662958 Recipient’s account: 5218572221783066 Card number: 5218572221783066 Vostok SOS Сharitable organization ”Charity Foundation “East-SOS“ Our charity fund has been helping war victims since 2014. Now we are working not only with Donetsk and Luhansk regions, but with the whole of Ukraine. We buy and distribute humanitarian aid to those who are affected by the shelling of their settlements. The food and hygiene products in the country are running out, so we are working on establishing the supply of humanitarian aid from abroad. EUR Сharitable organization ”Charity Foundation “East-SOS“ IBAN: UA893005280000026007455028483, ОТP BANK SWIFT: OТPVUAUK Bank code (MFO): 300528 Reference number of the organisation: 39764400 Correspondent bank: Commerzbahk AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, № 400 8880064 01, SWIFT: COBA DE FF Or correspondent bank: Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, № 100 947 4974 0000, SWIFT: DEUT DE FF USD Сharitable organization ”Charity Foundation “East-SOS“ IBAN: UA893005280000026007455028483, ОТP BANK SWIFT: OТPVUAUK Bank code (MFO): 300528 Reference number of the organisation: 39764400 Correspondent bank: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, 60 Wall Street New York, NY 10005, USA, № 04448427, SWIFT: BKTRUS33 PayPal: Pay from any Visa or Mastercard card in any currency to one of the following card numbers: 5168 7450 3091 9036 (UAH) 5168 7450 2161 1964 (EUR) 5168 7450 3132 3527 (USD) Corporation of Monsters Charity fund in Odesa, Ukraine The main directions of the fund: -providing medical care to people -help to hospitals -Humanitarian aid to people in difficult life situations USD Company details CHARITABLE FOUNDATION “M CORPORATION” IBAN Code UA283052990000026002044906752 Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X Company address ELISAVETYNSKA STR. 9, #2, ODESSA, 65000, UKRAINE Correspondent banks Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33 Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754 Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA EUR Company details CHARITABLE FOUNDATION “M CORPORATION” IBAN Code UA543052990000026000034900511 Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X Company address: Kanatna, 78 #20. ODESSA, 65012, UKRAINE Correspondent banksAccount in the correspondent bank 400886700401 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Franfurt am Main, Germany Account in the correspondent bank 6231605145 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASDEFX Correspondent bank J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund To deal with the consequences of the Russian invasion and threats the war poses on the Ukrainian art community – (MOCA) Museum of Contemporary Art NGO, in partnership with Zaborona and The Naked Room established the Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund. WE DO provide support for independent artists, curators, arts managers, researchers, art writers and cultural NGOs in Ukraine; facilitate support and administer donations offered by international artistic and charity organisations; promote contemporary Ukrainian culture as a powerful instrument for strengthening Ukraine’s position among democratic nations of the world. WE SUPPORT Stipends for research, artistic practice and associated living costs for artists and cultural workers stayed in Ukraine or relocated after the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine; Support packages for NGOs and cultural initiatives to renew their pre-war programmes and activities Marque-page0
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S’élever au milieu des ruines, danser entre les balles de Maryam Ashrafi par Brigitte Trichet (éditions Hemeria)
Arianna Sanesi nommée lauréate de la 1ère édition de la résidence photographique Chambre noire 4 jours ago
Interview Clothilde Morette, directrice artistique de la MEP : « Remettre au centre de l’histoire de l’art et de la photographie certains artistes invisibilisés » 10 mars 2025
S’élever au milieu des ruines, danser entre les balles de Maryam Ashrafi par Brigitte Trichet (éditions Hemeria) 2 jours ago
Salon du dessin 2025, Galerie Larock-Granoff : Interview Gabrielle Larock « Donner la parole aux femmes fait partie de ma ligne directrice » 6 heures ago
Interview Stéphanie Pécourt, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles : « Un manifeste dissident pour un cosmopolitisme renouvelé. » 3 jours ago
« Corps et âmes », une nouvelle saison incandescente à la Pinault Collection-Bourse de commerce 21 mars 2025